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Donate German Version Neu laden mail

What is ""? displays headlines from major media outlets around the world organized by country or continent. Clicking on the headline reveals a preview window with a link. A further click on "more..." takes you to the original article or the newspaper’s or broadcaster’s landing page. Content is only displayed when the source offers an RSS feed.

If you feel an important media outlet that has a functioning RSS feed is missing, please contact me at feedback[at] and let me know. Thank you.

What is "" not? is an individual, personal effort and is neither ideologically nor organizationally linked. For legal and other reasons, the website is strictly non-commercial: offers for ads, to pay for links or similar cooperation will be ignored, as will requests to publish texts. is not a platform for racist, terrorist, anti-Semitic or anti-Muslim content. I try to check the general content of the media I include. If I fail to see something like that, please contact me at feedback[at] and let me know. Thank you. is ad-free and does not use cookies, either for site functionality or to collect information about visitors.

What does the future hold?

Media sources from outside Germany whose content appears on are grouped solely by geographic region; the content may be in the national language or English. Content from Germany, in contrast, is further categorised by topic: politics, economy, culture, etc. It is hoped that similar offerings will one day be available for media from outside Germany as well.
Gradual extension of is planned, toward the goal of encompassing as many countries as possible. The technical requirement is that any media source to be included must offer an rss-feed.

Translation by Joe Greenman, Berlin

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